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Meet Our Leaders

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Pastor Travis Hartjen

Hartjen family picture

Pastor KC Knippa

Hartjen family picture

Pastor Travis grew up in Northern Illinois and Southern California. He graduated from Concordia Seward Nebraska with a bachelor's degree in Youth Ministry and a minor in Theology. He received his SMP Degree from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. Travis is married to his wonderful wife, Tara. They have four wonderful kids in high school and older. Travis started serving at Crown of Life in 2018 as an Apostolic Church Planter and has been a part of planting The Grove Church, The Table Church, and launching the Groundbreakers to Harvesters ministry. Travis is the co-host of a weekly podcast called Known Legacy. He loves connecting with people who have questions about God and the church and planting new churches that boldly proclaim the truth and love of Jesus to their local community. Travis loves the Green Bay Packers, Astros, good BBQ, and spending evenings on the back porch with a good drink and winning at corn hole or euchre.

KC is a church planting pastor sent out by Concordia Lutheran Church - Garland, TX .  Over the years he has served as a Director of Christian Education, worship leader, and mission developer in a variety of settings. He is currently going through the Specific Ministry  Pastor (SMP) program at Concordia Theological Seminary - St. Louis.    
His wife, Megan teaches in the Prosper ISD.  They have four beautiful children: Adelaide, Judah, Kohen, and Emery. After years of praying and seeking God’s direction and will for their future in ministry, one simple question posed by a mentor pastor changed everything… that question was, “Have you ever thought about church planting?”  After a long time of prayer, discussion, and conversations with other church planters - it was clear that God was calling the Knippa family to embark on a new journey to help expand the Kingdom.  
They began discussions with Concordia Lutheran Church about this new calling and opportunity for partnership in starting a new church. Concordia affirmed this new ministry effort and agreed to support and commission the Knippa family as local missionaries and church planters. Both KC and Megan have the heart to reach the unchurched and de-churched people living in ‘exile’ in our modern suburbs.  Both are gifted in different yet complimentary ways - but together they excel in showing Christ’s love through meaningful relationships, hospitality, and ‘doing life together’. They long to see a new generation of God-seekers returning to the Church through healing, reconstruction of their faith, and a shift to a wholistic worship mindset.  

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